> 文章列表 > 挥金如土的英文


[摘要]:英语成语意思:likeaducktowater.poorasachurchmouse.atsixes...like a duck to water.如鱼得水poor as a church mouse.一贫如洗at sixes and sevens.乱七八糟spend money like water.挥金如土 花钱如流水as timi。暴殄天物的成语故事是什么?西,... 后指任意糟蹋东西,不知



like a duck to water.如鱼得水poor as a church mouse.一贫如洗at sixes and sevens.乱七八糟spend money like water.挥金如土 花钱如流水as timi。


西,... 后指任意糟蹋东西,不知爱惜。【出处】: 《尚书·武成》:“今商王受无道,暴殄天物,害虐烝民。”【举例造句】: 既有许多值钱有东西,任人作践了,也似乎暴。

下列英语对应的汉语成语like a duck to water poor as a chu...

like a duck to water 轻而易举 poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 at sixes ahd sevens 乱七八糟 spend money like water 挥金如土 as timid as a 。


As a result of the people in the sentiment,in to side and so onobjective things feeling and social experience personally meets hassimilar。


Two.history cultural dissimilarity Medium the west two national languages speech writing is become by the history culture mostly of.Some 。


The nationality of metaphor translation of words is the basis of metaphor in the similar or related associations,it is like a mirror whic。


大写字母:JIN “金”,普通话读音为jīn,最早见于金文时代。“金”的基本含义为一种化学元素,黄赤色,质软,如黄金、金笔。引申含义为金一类的,具有光泽、延...

ist problemlos的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文,英文翻...

das Befüllen des Seifenspenders ist problemlos填补肥皂很容易挥金如土这个空缺的填补seifenspenders很容易液体肥皂分配器的装填是无问题填料的皂液很容易d。

急求能够体现出豪华奢侈生活的词语? - 雨露学习互助

挥金如土 珠光宝气 乘肥衣轻 养尊处优 酒池肉林 钟鸣鼎食 挥霍无度 侯服玉食 碧瓦朱檐 雕栏玉砌 飞阁流丹 雕梁画栋 金碧辉煌 琼楼玉宇 金玉满堂 高。


A 爱情是盲目的 Love is blind. B 被打得青一块紫一块 be beaten black and blue 不劳则无获 No pains ,no gains. 不怕迟只怕不做 Better late tha。